Well. I have reached a new level of self importance in my utterly ridiculous existence. With this blog I do declare that I, Emily Irvin, have not only thoughts, feelings, and deeds worthy enough to transcribe into a semi permanent setting, but also that they are important enough for others to not only read but to subscribe to! And like! And repost! And share with the world! HAZA!
Unlike most blogs that I have had the great pleasure to snoop through I have noticed that there is usually some sort of goal setting or theme that is declared that the blogger will then try and follow through out there things or whatever. Not so says I, this is going to be about me. Period. I don't intend for anyone to actually read this. Ever. So I might as well just not set any goals. Like the rest of my sad, sad sorry life. Just kidding. MOVING ON!
I wont pretend to foresee where this is going but I am going to give myself a few ground rules so I pray your indulgence, dear sweet non -existent reader, as I participate in a shameless bout of third person narration.
RULE #1 : Do not put your social security number on here
RULE #2 : If your gonna rant and spew and rave do everyone the courtesy of naming names. No one goes to a blog to see you dance around what may or may not of happened with names that can't be mentioned. And people arn't stupid. They're gonna figure it out anyways.
(AMENDMENT TO RULE 2: THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE EX BOYFRIENDS!..... demonstrate some class there emmers geez)
RULE #3 : Do not bring up your parents. They will find you and kill you in your sleep.
RULE #4 : Do not bring up any of your coworkers. FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD!
RULE #5 : Do not mention or allude to any CURRENT relationships. Past relationships are totally and utterly fair game (just don't name names....so others don't seek them out to kill them...for they are the worst kinds of dbags)
and that is that.
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