Saturday, April 7, 2012

So I work at a grocery store.  Its not exactly the most glamorous of jobs but it pays the bills.  I actually love my job in a strange, sick way.  But then again, there are those days, where it makes me doubt the human race as a whole.  True story.

Anyways, let me tell you, I have seen a lot of horrible human beings, but there is one specific breed of customer that never ceases to push me over the edge EVERY DANG TIME!  No its not the old ladies who insist on digging through their entire purse with shaking fingers and diminished eye site for 73 cents. No it is not the cranky man who insists on getting that 46 cent refund for those pears that were not correctly labeled "for the principle of the thing".   Its not even the really really REALLY burnt out guy who bought two Snickers bars that were buy one get one free and could not wrap his brain around the fact that they take half of of BOTH so that it EQUALS buy one get one.  (we argued about it for 15 mins I kid you not.  after which he said "you all must be smoking crack out back" THE IRONY NEVER ENDS!)

The worst kind of costumer is the one that thinks their funny.  Let me explain.  I stand on my feet in one spot for up to 8 1/2 hours at a time and listen to you whine and gripe about EVERYTHING because I obviously have control over where we stock the marshmallows and why we no longer carry your favorite kind of iced tea  (did i mention i hardly make enough money to buy just about, well, anything).  Then I go home, go to bed, and do it again. Every. Day. Of. My Life.  Therefor...I really don't feel like laughing at your super lame jokes.  Please and Thank you.  

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