"Osmosis Jones" has forever ruined anatomy for me. "And this class is a white blood cell! They live for about four to five days in the average human body..." "Uh pardon me professor but actually white blood cells can live to their mid twenties and are often times voiced by very funny black comedians" For those of you who don't know, "Osmosis Jones" was a movie made in the early 2000s about the human body where cells had personality's, drove cars, fought crime, and had raves inside of pimples. Best. Movie. Ever. So now every time I think of the brain I think of this scene from the movie where they're basically in a huge control room. A perfectly working switch board of logic working in cohesion for the betterment of me. Then here comes a giant plane of emotion driven by a crazed monkey........ nnnnnnnNNNNNNEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOWBBBBBBBFFFFFFFFFFCCCCCHHHHHHHH!
totally ruining any sort if cognitive function.
(an interesting aside. Have you ever tried to verbally illustrate a well known sound and then realize you spent twice as much time on deciding if an explosion should end in "k" or "h" then writing the whole first paragraph? hm. carry on. )
And I am explaining all of this to you today por why you may ask? Very simple. I realized I do something very stupid very often today. So say I'm texting someone, and lets just say for arguments sake that its someone important...like a boy person. I am eagerly anticipating their response. My phone is normally on silent but to be sure that I am immediately aware of their text I set it to both vibrate AND ringer. A rational response to this is to put down the dang phone and do something else while you wait. But no, I decide to text someone else while waiting so now every time my phone erupts I have a momentary feeling of hope and then instant disappointment that its person numero two! So I hurriedly text them back and once again *ring-a-ding-ding* "DAMN IT!" Look out! Incoming monkey! nnnnNNEEEOOOWNBBBBBBFFFCHHH! I find myself getting unreasonably angry at this person who is not the boy who has the audacity to disturb me at this critical moment in my life! Why can't she just leave me alone! wait... I was impatient, so to pass the time I texted someone else, who has no idea that they are just a time waster, so they respond, and now I'm mad....because I texted them first.
So yeah....he texted me 10 minutes later.
I freaking love you. That is all.