Friday, September 7, 2012

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off"

Today my post isn't going to have one bit of humor in it.  Just gonna be straight up about that.  This is one of those "white-hot-fire-of-truth" posts.  I debated making it but someone very close to me said something that just irked me so bad I could have smacked them.  And the subject for today will beeeeeeeeee....the election.  Now before you huff and puff about Obama this, Romney, Mormon, socialist, robber baron, racist, commie or any number of the never ending list of derogatory adjectives used to describe two people you will never personally meet in your life WHATEVER! Just cut the crap for 5 seconds!  I'm not going to even mention a party today or a particular platform that I relate to.  I, from this point on, probably wont even mention the candidates (bless their hearts).  Yes I will be voting and yes there is a particular candidate who I feel will do a better job.  I'm not telling you who it is though.  Why? Because its none of your business and not the reason why I'm writing today.

Today someone commented to me while I was obviously engrossed in a recap of the Presidents speech last night, "Why do you even get into that stuff.  It doesn't matter who you vote for".   Have you ever seen literally you see the color red.  On the one hand the gentleman had a very good and valid point.  Will my vote tip the scales? Nope.  If I vote does that ensure that who I'm voting for wins? Probably not.  So.... what's the point?

I was fortunate enough to be born in a time and an age that allows me to choose what I do, where I go, and what I say.  I OWN myself.  I am beholden to no master.  Lets break it down...I want you to type something into Google for me...go ahead I'll still be here when you get back.  Type in "How many revolutions have there been in the world" and go to the Wikipedia page that comes up.  Huge list huh?  If you have the time go through and look at all of them individually.  For those of you who don't have time I'll just give you some of the basics.  The list goes from 2380 BC to current day.  The first official fight for Democracy was by the Athenians in 507 or 508 BC.  There are over 300 individual revolutions listed on this page..... seriously.  Sure some of their causes weren't the greatest (Hello communism) but what does it all mean?  What ideal drove these millions of faceless human beings over the centuries?  These people affirmed their basic human right to be heard.  They lived, loved and then died just for a voice.  For me that makes who wins a minor part in a much bigger picture.  On the 6th of November somebody is gonna win and somebody is gonna lose.  I'm gonna cast my vote along with thousands of other meaningless college students searching for a cause and a dream in this big ol' world. I'm not going to do it because I'm particularly invested in the outcome but because I'm going to assert my right as human, to a VOICE!  soooooooo SHOUT IT! SHOUT IT! SHOUT IT  OUT LOOOOOOUD!

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